Магнитный резонанс

Программное обеспечение для ЯМР

Компания Bruker видит свою миссию в том, чтобы предоставить клиентам доступ к инновационным технологиям ЯМР, включая широкий набор программных решений для сбора и анализа данных ЯМР. ПО Bruker дополняет весь набор технологий ЯМР, предлагаемых компанией, для получения точных, наглядных и интерпретируемых результатов.

The Most Comprehensive Portfolio of NMR Software

Curious to know which software solutions are right for you?



Bruker’s TopSpin™ software package for NMR data analysis and the acquisition and processing of NMR spectra.


AutoCalibrate is key to maintaining a well-tuned NMR spectrometer, tracking changes and monitoring the long-term health of the entire system.


SmartDriveNMR is the software application custom-built for advanced acquisition in open access NMR environments addressing small organic molecules.
Acquisition Software

Acquisition Software

No matter if you are working on scientific research projects or if you are running a laboratory that serves all kinds of aspirations – there will be an acquisition software that fits to your daily needs.
Instrument Performance

Instrument Performance

Reliable and robust instrument performance is key to any laboratory. Make sure, your instruments perform well and are always calibrated to match the key parameters you want to use.
Analysis Software

Analysis Software

From huge molecules to small ones, liquids or solids, structure elucidation, potencies, purities. Whatever insights you want to gain, there is a high potential software for your requirements.
Pharmaceutical Software

Pharmaceutical Software

Shorten time-to-market with confidence, by gaining qualitative and quantitative insights into molecular structure and dynamics.
Educational Software

Educational Software

Let your students experience the possibilities NMR technology can offer – with simple experiments, supported by software solutions that allow fast results with the push of a button.
Mestrelab Software

Mestrelab Software

Mestrelab研究是一个众所周知的provider of NMR software solutions. The software can handle the data you acquired with Bruker’s NMR software to further processing, analyzes, and reports.

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