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Using AFM technical coronavirus

Corporate social responsibility - products

Using AFM technical coronavirus

Due to the world in the mire of the new champions league pneumonia virus, scientists are concentrated energy and resources to develop a vaccine.Want to succeed to the challenge of this complex, they must first master the professional knowledge in order to understand the behavior of the virus, including how the virus spread from one person to another person.These knowledge know more detailed, more accurate, the scientists found the more likely they are to the best and fastest way to prevent the virus.

AFM technology and new crown pneumonia virus

Antiviral drugs on the market today is mainly by preventing virus replication play a role in a cell.Understand how new crown pneumonia virus specific into host cells, promoting the research of drugs, helps in the development of effective antiviral vaccine breakthroughs.

Global researchers are using brooke's key technology to help crack the problem of coronavirus.From Belgium louvain biomolecular science and technology institute, a research group, is using the brookings gram atom force microscope (AFM) technology, BioScope Resolve atomic force microscopy, cantilever and probe, the new crown pneumonia virus into the host cell.

Brooke Nano BioAFM for multiple types of biological samples with high imaging, including bacteria, viruses and molecules, from a single cell to a single molecule.The researchers can use the interaction between mechanical and chemical equipment research.This technique has provided scientists with a near physiological condition real-time study molecular combination of events.

Now, everyone was already familiar with this particular coronavirus, because we every day is in the news about the new crown pneumonia push ads and public safety.Out of the envelope virus spike (S - glycoprotein) effectively ACTS as a "key", through the host cell, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) enters the body.ACE2 is respiratory cell surface receptors, and its behavior as a "lock", "keys" to load it.Once the key is found, the virus will enter and trying to take over.

Although there have been some research about how the virus into the host, but there is very few evidence that S - glycoprotein (or peak) and receptor at the single molecule level.For this particular study, the researchers used BioAFM technical analysis S - the virus glycoprotein binds to receptors ACE2 biophysical properties.

This study is the first time in this way on the research of the new champions league pneumonia virus, the results for the new champions league pneumonia virus infection in the treatment of open up new prospects.With current antiviral vaccine, a drug for virus into the path will be on behalf of the new champions league against pneumonia virus opened up a new field.