Corporate social responsibility - products

To protect people from all over the world and infrastructure

Corporate social responsibility - products

To protect people from all over the world and infrastructure

In today's constantly changing and increasingly complicated world, science is an unprecedented important role.Brook in the production of high-performance scientific instruments has a long history and rich experience, the company can design and production technology innovation, through support for homeland security and national defense work, plays an important role in helping to protect social aspects.

In brooke called, we provide reliable technology to continue to protect the personnel and infrastructure around the world proud.Our innovative sensors, such as DE tector - flex and TIMON, can be used in the detection of explosives, drugs and toxic chemicals, thus protecting the public, and help the emergency and security services work effectively.

DE tector - flex is the most advanced our new desktop analyzer, can be used to detect traces of explosives and narcotics, this design is in order to deal with traditional and emerging threats.The analyzer in the aviation passenger security and border control plays an important role in security.Brooke's DE - tector series instrument is to protect the global many major airports, Geneva and Lyon (including Frankfurt) and government buildings in Europe and Asia and passenger and cargo security key nuclear power plant.

Likewise, brooke TIMON (a toxic industrial monitor), a kind of to all-weather run without the need for operator intervention point gas detector, could also provide protection in the world.The device is installed in the key buildings and public places, can be in low level detection and warning toxic industrial chemicals and chemical warfare agents.In major cities throughout the North America, Europe and Asia's major Banks, government and public buildings, and transportation hub has been successfully installed the detector, to protect the safety of their customers and citizens.

To protect the American infrastructure

Multiple organizations and institutions across the country are using brooke's instrument, in order to protect its personnel and infrastructure from various potential threats and risks.


The national guard for states and regions support team bought hundreds of national guard civil RAID - M type 100 hand-held chemical detector, as part of its investigation and eliminate pollution activities and equipment.Also in the United States navy submarine on the deployment of the detector, and was going to equipped with hundreds of submarine fleet in the United States.These handheld detector has been all over the world with the U.S. army device response group.

City and state

Is not only the military found brooke instrument reliability and advantage of the city and the state is to benefit from it.

  • Los Angeles county, New York and Boston, emergency workers are using RAID in the -m 100 chemical detector.
  • City and state law enforcement, including hazardous materials, fire services, health and safety and port security, are using RAID - M in 100 and RAPIDplus chemical detector.
  • Detroit and Chicago federal reserve bank use brooke explosives detector.

Port security

In design can effectively protect the port and waterway detector system, the distance is a major factor.Brooke RAPIDplus system can remote detection and identification of 5 km chemical threat.The city of New Orleans have bought two sets of such a system: a set of used to monitor the activities of the Mississippi River, the second set of installed on the mobile platform, used to monitor rivers, sporting events, and other special events.

California recently submitted a proposal for the federal emergency management agency (FEMA), use RAPIDplus detectors monitoring ports.

Maritime and transportation applications


IPDS - LR to protect the American navy flotilla.

IPDS - LR chemical detection system to protect the American navy flotilla, as the construction of new ships, and we will continue to provide a new detection system of the United States navy.Los Angeles GangJing hazardous in its new police used RAPIDplus on the ship.

The transportation

Brooke's instrument to protect the important transportation infrastructure.Our central station in New York City has 20 sets of automatic monitor and Pennsylvania station, and in the subway in Washington, d.c., increases the monitoring equipment of chemical threat.

To prepare for the future

For the future of measurement:

Aviation and urban applications

Aerospace applications

A new generation of trace explosives detection equipment.

Many new chemical and bomb threat than the current protect critical infrastructure of the United States and around the world technical ability of detection.Because of the threat to the amount and type of increasing, we need to be able to cope with the challenges of the new equipment.

A few years ago, the U.S. department of homeland security (DHS) understand the transportation security administration (TSA) is currently deployed equipment limitations.DHS choice brooke Detection based on mass spectrometry technology of a new generation of trace explosives Detection equipment.

Our goal is to provide air can meet often, baggage and cargo system application requirements.The system has been in the transportation safety lab and transportation security administration system integration facilities were tested, and the later this year in air cargo facilities for testing.

Protect the city from chemical threat

Brooke is still in the defense advanced research projects agency (DARPA) SIGMA + program has played an important role, the plan aims to alert the authorities chemical, biological, and explosives.Design and development of a sensor that can detect chemical threat is especially challenging.Brooke Detection signed a contract with Lincoln laboratory at the Massachusetts institute of technology, and obtained the DARPA funding, for SIGMA + program chemical sensors.Is the result of the study, combines the development of technology for DHS and the department of defense.Before the trial is successful in a large city, SIGMA + system will be deployed to other American cities.