Corporate social responsibility - products

About the honey acidity of the truth

Corporate social responsibility - products

About the honey acidity of the truth

Honey is the first kind of sweeteners, human use can be traced back to ancient Egypt.Honey has long been used as a sweetener and medicinal supplements and much-loved, and this tradition continues today.

According to the Global Research report of the Future, is expected by the end of 2023, the Global market will reach 2.7687 million tons of honey, compound annual growth rate of 7.22%.As consumption in the asia-pacific region continues to surge, demand for honey in the asia-pacific region is the main driver of this market.

In recent years, due to various reasons, has been a steady rise in demand for honey, including the rise of health conscious consumers, because they are willing to spend more money to buy helps healthy natural products.With the steady growth of demand, a supply shortfall of honey, and this kind of situation and no signs of improvement.By the bee diseases, bees natural habitat destruction and adverse weather conditions, the output of most countries remains constant or declined.

Coupled with the lack of uniform international honey laws and regulations, the wind of honey fraud is becoming more and more popular.

Honey how is adulterated, why is this important?

Honey can be added by inferior sweet syrup (such as corn syrup) to expand the supply, or any plant or geographic origin, thus the quality of honey.

Although it is not know false honey what is the harm to health, but this kind of behavior had a great influence on industry business.Media exposure to honey fraud in honey sales fell sharply.As the consumers all over the world know about honey to fraud, we lose confidence in the authenticity of honey, it's damaged livelihoods beekeepers, honey producers and manufacturers.

Now, the industry is calling for a reliable detection method to identify the adulteration of honey, in order to help eliminate the unqualified imitations in the food chain.

Combat fraud

There are many ways to detect adulteration of honey.However, these methods must be constantly updated to ahead of counterfeiters who quickly find new method to avoid detection.

The joint research committee (JRC), according to a report in many cases, the judgment standard methods have failed.Previously, with corn syrup adulterated honey, can be detected using isotope method, and adulterated with rice syrup, now is not detected in the same way.To this, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technology because of its rapid detection of impurities in honey, potential and popular.

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) can simultaneously analyze hundreds of compounds, and because the method and the data has a high degree of repeatability, anywhere in the world can generate the same data in different lab.It's set up a powerful "honey fingerprint database, which will be the real thing and adulterated known samples for quality reference.

We are working with experts from around the world laboratory, set up a large database containing 18000 honey reference samples, covering more than 50 countries and more than 100 plant species.This database contains a mixture of honey and honey honey industry, can be applied to raw material and finished product testing, is the only will detect syrup and validation method combining the country of origin.

Brooke's nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technology to help global honey packers, importers, exporters, beekeepers, commercial service providers and government laboratories to ensure the supply of honey in the world, and prevent the natural supplements the adulteration of loved by people.

We also manufacture a range of education video to help regulators to understand how we can help combat fraud.

You can click here to view the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technology is how to protect the supply of our honey.