Measurement setup

Comfortable EBSD measurement setup

ESPRIT EBSD software provides a series of used to set up and execute measurement assistant and tools.

The signal set

EBSD ESPRIT with the signal assistant function, can automatically adjust the acquisition setup, such as the camera exposure time and gain.This will lead to the best lighting design image.Only when measurement conditions change, need to adjust.

Advanced users can also be used to provide control manual set all the parameters, thus to fine-tune mode quality according to special requirements.

The calibration assistant dialog

Calibration pattern center

Accurate design center is correct calibration necessary conditions and avoid phase error mark.EBSD ESPRIT with complex calibration assistant, you can use the current sample automatically (without calibration standard) to perform this task.Only if the change sample detector geometry (such as sample detector distance (DD), or tilt detector), only needs to be calibrated.

Expert users can also perform a manual calibration model center.This function work under the Spot mode, allow manual fine-tuning kikuchi bands detection, and then the automatic calibration and optimization design center coordinates.

Drift correction

EBSD measurements may be prone to sample drift due to a variety of different reasons.ESPRIT contains powerful drift correction function, also support the EBSD measure and image drift compensation.

Acquisition automation

Comfortable automation measurement without control of the sample machine.This functionality through the cyclogram spliced together, with high resolution from a large sample to get the data in the area.In addition, the user can start multiple measurement work in different location, and local amplification in the sample surface.

Automatic save function

Contains kikuchi patterns and EDS spectra of large data sets can be preserved at the end of each measurement automatically.The function of data acquisition is particularly useful for unattended.