Nano mechanics testing instruments

Hysitron TS75 TriboScope

Atomic force microscopy provides quantitative, rigid probe nano indentation and nano friction test

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Hysitron TS75 TriboScope

Brooke's Hysitron TriboScope TS 75 field of nano indentation apparatus for atomic force microscopy provides quantitative, rigid probe the indentation and nano friction characterization ability.Hysitron TriboScope and brooke's Dimension ICON, Dimension Edge and MultiMode 8 combination, to extend the representation ability of these microscope.By using the rigid test probes, TriboScope eliminates the inherent limitation of the cantilever base measurement, variability and complexity, which provide quantitative on nano to micro scale and repeatable mechanics and frictional properties.

Rigid probe
Eliminate the nano indentation testing technology based on elastic cantilever inherent uncertainties and complexities.
Capacitive sensor technology
Provide the excellence of the nano indentation process control, and provide industry leading force and the displacement of the noise level.
Combined interface
Can be simple and popular commercial AFM integration, including brooke's Dimension ICON, Dimension Edge and MultiMode 8, etc.

The characteristics of

Rigid probe advantage

Most of the atomic force microscope (AFM) using appropriate cantilever or tribological tests with mechanics, and the cantilever elastic and rotational stiffness and material response to applied stress separation presents a major challenge.TriboScope probe was tested by rigid components, allowing direct control and measure the force applied during the test and displacement.

Proprietary electrostatic force driving

TriboScope using proprietary electrostatic force drive and sense of capacitance displacement sensor technology, provide industry leading noise level and low thermal drift, which described the performance to the limit of the nanoscale.

Force and displacement feedback control

TriboScope work under force control or displacement closed-loop control.TriboScope using 78 kHz rate feedback loop, can rapid response material deformation transient events, and faithfully reproduce operators defined test function.

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