Meteorites the high-resolution X-ray element surface analysis of the sample

Mocs meteorite specimens figure of each element composite figure, cracks, mainly is the lead (red)

Samples of meteorites are rare and precious, so usually it is best to use nondestructive methods are analyzed.When the SEM microscopic study on the original surface, EDS analysis common sample preparation steps, such as cutting, grinding, polishing and carbon coating) will be rigorously excluded.

In this case, the EDS detector will be in the limitations of traditional, especially in situations where need high spatial resolution.This is because the mineral samples of meteorites are usually is not conductive and rough surface, charged and shadow effect is the main challenge of EDS.

In order to overcome these limitations, XFlash®FlatQUAD provides the most advanced solutions.This is similar to the BSE detector's unique circular EDS detector test directly placed in the right above of the sample.Its characteristic is to have high sensitivity low X ray production samples, and can minimize the shadow effect, so is the characterization of the surface rough, not including the sample of the conductive coating, such as meteorites perfect tool.

In the case of right, we studied the Mocs meteorites, it comes from the natural history museum in Vienna (NHM), it was on February 2, 1882 meteorite landing in Hungary.XFlash®FlatQUADApplication successfully reveals the evolution of the universe, because it can to high-resolution surface analysis characterization of elements, even in the depth of the cracks of the sample.